Latest Discussions

Xamarin Android Build Fails with AndroidLinkTool - R8
Sooraj PR asked Rakesh R Nair replied at Mar 31st at 06:40
276 4 0
Multi-barcode scanning
Giannis Venetik asked Giannis Venetik replied at Sep 4th at 05:11
32 2 0
How to wake up Zebra Bluetooth Printer programmatically after the inactivity timeout?
Jung Choong Young asked Steven Si replied at Sep 10th at 16:14
183 1 0
// Expert user has replied.
Slow bluetooth connection on ConnectionBuilder.Build
Jung Choong Young asked Steven Si replied at Sep 10th at 15:39
9 1 0
// Expert user has replied.
Is my code sending a continuation code?
Jedielson Nakonieczni asked Alexander Palchikov replied at Oct 2nd at 06:53
0 1 0
LinkOS (Xamarin Android) Problems
Dennis Rene Chavez Hernriquez asked Anonymous (not verified) replied at May 5th at 11:33
0 1 0
Connecting multiple iOS devices to one Zebra Printer
Ashish Kumar asked Alexander Palchikov replied at Oct 25th at 11:18
11 1 0
should I use Data Widget or EMDK for a Xamarin form application
Fang Zhang asked Darryn Campbell replied at Oct 29th at 02:38
5 1 0
3 0 0
TC51 Unable to launch camera from Xamarin project
Weston Eighmy asked
68 0 0