Latest Discussions

DataWedge SET_CONFIG is broken
Scott Cooper asked Scott Cooper replied at Oct 4th at 10:30
97 2 0
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Free Form OCR configure the Capture windows size
JAKE TAN asked
27 0 0
Android Emulator
Benjamin West asked Mira Couture replied at Aug 20th at 22:05
328 2 0
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Combination problems with HD4000 and Datawedge
Lukas Probst asked Lukas Probst replied at Jul 26th at 02:42
46 2 0
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DataWedge Free-Form OCR help needed Developer needed
Daniel Buntic asked
18 0 0
Locate breaks Inventory trigger
Martin Eberl asked
64 0 0
Exceptions in RX Logging for CC6000
Shaun Peusschers asked
18 0 0
Intent not being sent
Dave Hon asked Sean Kennedy replied at Nov 6th at 07:54
229 4 0
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SEND_RESULT doesn't work and my BR couldn't receive anything from device
Dan KR asked Sean Kennedy replied at Jun 21st at 12:42
75 4 0
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