Latest Discussions

ZD410 not responding after reconnect with standard Android API
Hendrik Pastunink asked Ruan Silvis replied at Aug 7th at 03:44
12 1 0
NativeScript BLE issues
Roland Littlehales asked
42 0 0
IOS BLE Print (Printer disconnects)
20 0 0
Xamarin Forms Link-OS iOS BLE disconnect after few seconds
Alexandre Coupal asked
42 0 0
Android ZSDK Bluetooth BTLE ISSUES
Paul Sage asked Alexander Palchikov replied at Dec 6th at 10:45
88 1 0
Use BLE Printer with Xamarin Android SDK
Georges CARBONARE asked James Kimball replied at Jul 22nd at 09:25
4 1 0
// Expert user has replied.
ScanningFrameworkAPK - Disable BluetoothScanningService Being Ignored
Collin Walther asked Ian Hatton replied at Feb 26th at 04:12
554 1 0
// Expert user has replied.