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How to discover when PS20J personal shopper is taken from smart cradle when cradle is unlocked? Enterprise Browser 2 is used in Android 8. I tried <code> const unlockparam = { "…
Forum topic
It seems the latest NDK Rhodes (5.0.30) can build with is r9D? It fails with r10D: rake aborted! Compilation failed: ext/shared/generated/application_ruby_api.c /Users/jon/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0@rhodes…
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Hi everybody, As far as I understand, the last Rhodes package only supports Android 4.X and future Rhodes package (5.2 ?) will support android 5.X. First of all, is that correct ? Then, if android 5.…
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I'm trying to create an app with WebView, but the website is using https, and the content (for ex. audio file) uses http, so Android Lollipop won't load it because it is "Mixed Content". I tried to…
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Google has recently launched new version of Android, name “Android 5.0 Lollipop”. There are few  major changes that have been embedded in Android 5.0 is the overall design of the OS,…
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Folks, Jeff Murrell, SE for Cabela's asked the following: Question came up today from Vanguard and Cabela’s. Does Lollipop provide any Microphone gain controls? Previous version of the OS did not. Do…
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Hi Guys,   I would like to know if there is a plan for upgrading MC18 devices to lollipop(Android 5.x) version. We are interested in few features of Lollipop which are not available in Kitkat.…
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Regardless of the below approach - I.e. Method A or Method B - used to launch my application, the Lollipop browser inevitably raises a net::ERR_UNKWON_URL_SCHEME error Note: such difficulty is not…
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Hello Zebra Developer Community   I am trying to run the Power Key Management Tutorial (…) on a TC75 upgraded from KitKat…
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Hi All   Just updated an older TC70, TC700H-KC11ES-NA, to lollipop.  I ran the latest update and the mandatory patch, both succeeded.  The OS runs well, all peripherals are available…