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I'm working on an app that should be using the proximity scan feature of TC8000 but I'm unable to find any documentation on the topic. Could you guide me to a page where I could read about this…
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Hi   I am trying to figure this out for days.   In the app (tc55) i have created a datawedge profile that enables decoding for all barcode types. (i have also enabled it in Profile0 in…
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I have two devices, one Workabout Pro3 and MC9190. I need to use one of these devices with continuously barcode scan without hold down button. Is it possible to lock on these device to enable scan…
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I am attempting to use EMDK to Reboot a device.   I get a response from the EMDK service that it accepted/set my reboot profile, but looking thru log cat I see the following error :   E/…
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After following the instructions shown here: EMDK For Android Setup on Mac (Android Studio) - Zebra Technologies Online Documentation I was able to successfully use the EMDK. However, when I opened…
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Hi,   We have a custom scanner, which works with SOFT trigger (used emdk library).   barcodeManager = (BarcodeManager) this.emdkManager.getInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.BARCODE…
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When I install my APK to a device using an MDM, I am unable to access some features of the EMDK.   Here is what I see in the logs:   E/MxFrameworkHelper( 2447): bindCSP: sTLC=[AccessMgr] is…
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I have an app in Java that runs on Zebra devices as well as any other Android device.   How can I determine if my app is running on a Zebra Device with EMDK or not?
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Hi everyone, I am wondering how much code can be reused if I were to decide to write an Android application with EMDK and later port it to Windows 10 mobile. If I understand things correctly in order…
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I am working with several Android modles (ET1, MC67 and TC75). Tried the EMDK for scanning. It works but only if I tell scanner to start scanning. I am capturing the key press of the scan button and…