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Hi all I am looking for the Uconnect version to be used with the MC 1000 CE50 I saw only the CE 4.2 version. Has sombody that has implemented that tool written a documentation??? Thank you
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Hi Team, Is there any information or case study involved to traffic policeman use our MCD products in your country? Any information will be very grateful. Thanks Francisco
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I have a customer that uses the Windows password setting so that after a suspend/resume the MC3090 will prompt for a password before allowing any other entry. The problem is how do you make the…
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NOTICE: This patch is only required if your MSP 3.2 installation meets the following scenario: The PC that the MSP server application is running on HAS NEVER HAD SQL Server 2005 installed on it and…
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Is there a utility to allow the user to turn the WAN radio OFF or ON or be managed by the application.  I believe it was called WANpower.exe Is it available anywhere? Thanks
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I have a MC9090 WM BSP43 that I have set the BattSuspendTimeout to 20min(in the registry). This works fine as long as I’m not associated to a AP. Once I'm associated the device never suspends?? The…
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Hi Everyone, I have a unit that is communicating with MSP 2.9 under a particular WLAN. The customer wants to get rid of this WLAN in favor of a new one. Is there a provisioning package I can send…
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I have a customer who has developed an application on the MC9090 using the IBM J9 JVM. They have developed on a non WWAN (GPRS) terminal and the application communicates via a wi-fi connection…
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Team, while looking into SB, I see that all the MC7094-PK...part numbers refer to 2D imager RoHS configurations but one...MC7094-PKCDJQHA9WR which is described as an 1D model. On the other hand, one…
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If you experience an error using the Typical setup path of the 3.2 Installer regarding the MSP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT creation, use one of the following choices as a workaround. This should only occur on…