Forum topic
Where can I download the "Zebra Conversion Package (ZCP)" for migrating to Android 13 on SDM660 platform devices? There is a link on to the lifeguard…
Forum topic
Hello; we have so many (+ 700) device TC75X in android 6 . All works fine with these devices, it's managed with MDM -> Soti mobicontrol. I've read some article about how to update to a new OS but…
Forum topic
Hello, we have a lot of devices under zebra tc75x -> android 6 Actually, i'm testing the upgrade with mobicontrol -> place zip file on the device and send a mxconfig script... Well, if the…
Blog entry
Overview   In cases where internet access is not available or bandwidth over the network is limited , it may be preferable to host OS files (either full updates or LifeGuard patches)…
Blog entry
Note: This blog started out as a series of notes for a talk I've presented in April 2018 at a couple of events (Droidcon Dubai and Droidcon Turin) with my Zebra Technologies hat. Feel free to…
Blog entry
Are you wanting to better understand Spectre and Meltdown, its impact to Zebra devices, and Zebra's recommendations? Zebra has published a Spectre And Meltdown Security Vulnerability Updates article…
Blog entry
The instructions below and attached utility show how the LifeGuard patch version can be accessed in the SOTI MobiControl console which allows tracking of which patch version is applied to devices…
Blog entry
BlueBorne, Heartbleed, Stagefright. The list goes on. Android gets a lot of negative publicity around security vulnerabilities. And Android is a large target with nearly 85% of the worldwide…