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I've configured LS2208 as IBM Hand-Held USB dervice. Everytime I connect the device to the computer, Core Scanner crashes based on the Application error in the Windows Logs.   Faulting…
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Hello, everyone to access a particular tag , I need to issue a Select command (EPC Gen2 protocol), followed by 3 ms standing wave to power up the circuit. Is it possibile with the RFD8500 with the…
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I'm looking for a way to change the operating mode from standby to active using the EMDK.
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I'm currently using the EMDK with an FX9500 and FX7500 to consume RFID events and publish the data to MQTT.   I'm capturing the event using the readnotifyhandler like so: newZebraReader.Events.…
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I am using the "Command line" feature in the Web Console on the FX9500 RFID reader and I in put the following: reader.set_pwd(admin, blah, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) the x's represent my 15 character password…
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We want to implement the EMDK API into our application to be used for the WT6000 and connected scanner.  We also want to keep our codebase singular and install it into our other Android devices…
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HI,   We have an Android application that uses the ascii_sdk to access the reader. The application works great. However there has been a request to add 'beep on unique reads' functionality.…
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Hi all, we have a problem using a USB scanner within a Hyper-V hosted Windows 10 machine. We configured the scanner to work in CDC mode, and the VM successfully recognizes the scanner connected to a…
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It's possible to remotely reload unresponsive FX7500 via SSH? I'm able to login with rfidadm user but I'm not able to execute "sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now" or something like that.
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I am currently on Firmware Ver. for FX9500 RFID reader.  What is the most up-to-date Firmware Version for the FX9500?