MK500 Auto Trigger in PocketBrowser

J John Reisinger 3 years 4 months ago
5 1 0

Hi Everyone!
I am trying to set up an MK500 laser-based micro kiosk with PocketBrowser.
I have found how to set an imager-based MK500 to presentation mode, but I can't see how to set the auto trigger for the laser scanner.
Is it possible to set the auto trigger through PocketBrowser, or will I need to use a custom-written application or datawedge?

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1 Replies


Hi John,

There is a code snippet in the PocketBrowser 3.1 help file for this (and earlier, I think it was introduced in 2.21):

The documentation is not online so I'll copy it here:


    var Generic = new ActiveXObject("PocketBrowser.Generic");

    function doSoftScan()
   Generic.InvokeMetaFunction('scanner', 'start');

    function doScan(data)
   bcode.innerHTML = data;

Can’t find what you’re looking for?