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Industry News - Week of Jul. 29, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: Berkeley Labs Develops Magnetic Liquid; DOJ Starts Social Media Probe; Facebook Anti-Fake News API Called 'Inadequate'; Wi-Fi 6 Could Effect PoE; Apollo Mission Turns 50; Google's Leaked Recordings; AG Seeks Help from Big Tech…

Converting Remote StageNow Profiles for Local Staging Via a Wireless Storage Device

Summary This article details how to easily convert a StageNow XML profile which is remotely hosted to work with a local server based either on a Sandisk Wireless Stick or a Zebra TC5x/7x device . The Remote Hosting method outlined in a previous blog post…

Industry News - Week of Jul. 15, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: Low-code, No-Code Tools; What's Coming in Android Q; Rasperry Pi 4 Defect; 77-Patch Tuesday; IoT Explosion Warnings; Getting More from Teams Still Writing Code for Line-of-Business Apps? Companies that continue to code "the old way" are…

Recommendations Developing for Zebra Android Devices

...and some common questions on the developer portal We receive a lot of questions on the developer portal that are variations on a similar theme, so I thought it made sense to bring together answers to the most common questions as well as some more…

Droidcon Berlin 2019 - Readers Digest

Last week James Swinton-Bland, Darryn Campbell & Alex Fryer had the privilege to once again represent Zebra as a Sponsor at Droidcon Berlin 2019. The event drew 1,300 attendees over the course of three days and consisted of a range of…

Industry News - Week of Jul. 1, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: Robots to Kill 20M Jobs by 2030; AI Creates More Jobs than it Destroys; How Good is Your Machine Learning?; What's Next for Wi-Fi at 20; Bill Gates Admits Failure; Why to Invest in Your Retail Employees; GDPR is Just the…

DEVTALK: Customizing Enterprise Keyboard for Your Applications, Wed. July 17th, 2019 10 am CST

**This is just a preview of what's to come at APPFORUM 2019 in Sydney & Beijing. Registration is open now for APPFORUM.** In this talk, we'll learn about Enterprise Keyboard (EKB) tool and the new ability to create custom layouts. We'…

Discussing Session Persistence

  I can’t tell you how many times I have heard associates, partners and end users ask me this question: “Can you do anything about my dropped sessions when using All-Touch Terminal Emulation or TelnetCE?” My answer is always the same: “…

Mimicking Field-Level Profiles with the DataWedge API

**This post came about after a conversation at our EMEA AppForum during the “DataWedge Intent API session”.  The AppForum series for 2019 is well underway Register now for  Sydney, Beijing in August and Las Vegas in October – see the…

APPFORUM 2019 - Blog Series: What Zebra Going Cloud Means for Developers Part 1

                                                          Zebra’s Cloud Transformation is Game-changing for…

Industry News - Week of Jun. 17, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: Robotics in the Military; Chrome Changes on Ad Blockers; Impinj Sues NXP; Huawei Seeks 'Play Store' Content; WhatsApp Snoop; Hyper-threading Goes Dark in ChromeOS; A TensorFlow Primer; What's Coming in Android Q Could Military Robotics…

Industry News - Week of Jun. 17, 2019


Zebra at Droidcon Berlin 2019

July 1st – 3rd sees the 11th annual Droidcon Berlin event taking place at the city’s CityCube venue.  Zebra are a silver sponsor of the event and will be showcasing our Android devices and printing hardware as well as demoing & guiding attendees…

Announcing Zebra Savanna Data Services!

Announcing Zebra Savanna Data Services!  Now available on the Zebra Developer Portal!   It's not every day that Zebra announces something like a brand new Data Services platform launch.  For the past several years, we’ve been working…

StageNow 3.x Remote XML Hosting v2

The procedure below describes two methods to remotely host a StageNow profile for Zebra devices. Remote hosting has the following main advantages: The profile size is reduced so that the user only has to scan 1 PDF417 barcode regardless of the size of…

EMDK for Xamarin development with Nuget on older devices

Over a year ago I wrote about what Zebra were doing in response to Microsoft closing down their Xamarin Component store and advising all developers to move to Nuget.  You can read that original article here but a lot of the content is not out of…