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Industry News - Week of Jan. 27, 2020

IN THIS ISSUE: Walmart Grows Robot Fleet; Massive Microsoft Data Breach; Parallel Reality is Real; Boston Dynamics' Dog-robot SDK; Reducing Cost of Printed RFID; Hacker Leaks Half a Million Passwords   Walmart Robot Fleet to Reach a Thousand…

Dynamically Switching Keyboards on Zebra Android Devices

Last month I wrote about how to switch keyboard layouts on the fly using the Enterprise Keyboard and its API, the use case being that some screens in your app would require different methods of data entry. As I said in my previous post the Enterprise…

Building Enterprise Solutions l From Development to Deployment

Industry-News Zebra-News
In this dev case study, learn how  Zebra's ISV partner, Arrowhead created an app, Mobi Print that enables drivers to print directly from the Mobileframe platform ERP applications and how that app helped a food…

Building an Enterprise Print Solution | LinkOS and Arrowhead's MobiPrint App

Industry-News Zebra-News
In this dev case study, learn how Zebra's ISV partner, Arrowhead created an app, Mobi Print that enables drivers to print directly from the Mobileframe platform ERP applications and how that app helped a food manufacturer provides…

It’s A Zebra – Google Hackathon! Join us!

  In June 2019 Zebra launched their breakthrough data intelligence platform, Savanna. This platform allows developers to use a variety of cloud-based device and ‘service’ APIs on offer, in order to build new and unique applications and…

Industry News - Week of Jan. 13, 2020

IN THIS ISSUE: New Year, New Standards; IBM's Safer, Better Rechargeable Batteries; Faster Releases Means More Bugs; Innovation Needs More than Money; 3D Printer Fixes Broken Arm; Python 2.x Reaches End-of-Life   Amazon, Apple, Google to Cooperate…

Droidcon Tel Aviv 2019 - Readers Digest

Droidcon Developer-Events
  19th December saw Zebra round off a successful 2019 of developer relations by sponsoring our final event: Droidcon Tel Aviv. Zebra was represented by Darryn Campbell, James Swinton-Bland & Niv Schwager – our SE for Israel who was invaluable…

Dynamsoft Edge Detect Doc Capture Demo

Mobile-Computers SimulScan
Note: if experiencing issues viewing the embedded images in this post, the original document is posted here   Dynamsoft Edge Detect Doc Capture Demo Ian Hatton Zebra EMEA Dec 2019 (Revised June 2020) Overview With the discontinuation of development…

Exploring the Enterprise Keyboard API

Enterprise Keyboard and the Enterprise Keyboard Designer Enterprise Keyboard (EKB) and the recently released Enterprise Keyboard Designer (EKD) can be used together to create custom keyboards for specific Enterprise use cases such as Function key input…

Industry News - Week of Dec. 16, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: AI Hope vs. Hype; Windows 10 Mobile Good-bye; Intel Launches Little LiDAR; How Tech and Society Will Evolve; Google Failures Help Advancement;  Lessons Learned from Big Data Breaches Artificial Intelligence: Hope Versus Hype As…

Zebra DevTalk | Zebra Savanna Data Services | Cloud Enable Devices | Wednesday Jan. 29, 2020

In this session we review the newest Data Services tools for the Zebra community.  Learn how to work with Zebra Devices and native tools that enable over the top applications and bring more data to your users easily. Presented by Robin West…

Highlights from Droidcon San Francisco 2019 with the Zebra Developer Relations Team

Last week the Dev Relations Team had the privilege to represent Zebra at Droidcon San Francisco 2019.   From left to right: Manuel Caicedo-Rivera, James Kimball, Rabeb Othmani (Bibi), Stacey Kruczek, James Swinton-Bland, and Pat Narendra…

How to Access the Properties for Zebra Power Precision+ Batteries

Zebra’s range of Android Mobile devices come equipped with Power Precision or Power Precision+ batteries.  You can learn more about Power Precision / Power Precision+ from the product page but one advantage of these batteries for the app developer…

Industry News - Week of Dec. 2, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: Computer Vision Leads to Solar Advances; Amazon to Ease Machine Learning; A New Platform for Wearables; Tesla Demo Epic Fail; Rethinking the Wearable Computer;  Microsoft Advice for Two-Screen Apps   Computer Vision Leads…

Industry News - Week of Nov. 18, 2019

IN THIS ISSUE: T-ray: a Safer X-ray; HP Unveiles 3D Printing Service; NASA's First All-Electric Aircraft; GitHub Releases Actions, Packages; AI-based Testing for SAP; Cucumber for Jira Automates Doc Writing T-Ray Sees Through Objects Without X-Ray…

Zebra at Droidcon Tel Aviv 2019

                                                           December 19th marks the first time Zebra…