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Mass Deploy DataWedge Profiles with Auto Import

DataWedge Jive-Migrated
I previously wrote about how the EMDK Data Capture Profiles were being deprecated, how this impacted DataWedge and provided an alternative using the DataWedge APIs.  This addressed a common customer requirement which is the ability to configure…

Industry News - Week of Aug. 13, 2018

Misc Jive-Migrated
IN THIS ISSUE: Android Pie is Here; Robot Hand Gains Dexterity; Google Self-censorship; Lawmakers Eye Facial Recognition; Google Funds Scandit; Pizza By Robot; Virus Blamed for Factory Shutdown Android 'Pie' Filled With Features The latest version,…

DevBites | Nibbles of Tech Tips for Developers | The EMDK Series August 2018

DataWedge EMDK Jive-Migrated
We are excited to launch our new DevBites YouTube series: Nibbles of Tech Tips.  This month we are covering topics related to our EMDK or Enterprise Mobility Development Kit. You can find sample projects referenced in these videos on GitHub.…

What’s New for Android ‘N’ and the Impact on Zebra Developers

DataWedge Jive-Migrated
This blog details the developer impact of moving to Zebra devices running Android Nougat (API level 24 & 25). It is the follow-up to my previous blog about preparing for Android Marshmallow (API level 23).  If you are moving from Lollipop…

Industry News - Week of Jul. 30, 2018

Misc Jive-Migrated
IN THIS ISSUE: AI 100 Report; Google Fined $5B; Robot Comedians; Verizon Halts 3G; WD to Close Factory; Context-aware Authentication; AI in Hospitals; Computers That See Through Walls Who's Leading the World in AI Development? Learn which companies to…

DEVBUZZ July Edition

DEVBUZZ JULY EDITION News, Tech Tools and Events for Developers Moving from EMDK Data Capture Profile to DataWedge…

DEVTALK - Why you should use F# with Zebra devices - Wednesday, July 18, 2018 @ 10:00 am CDT

This webinar is an F# introduction for Java / C# Programmers that develops for Zebra devices. We will cover the practical advantages of F#, status of F# support in Xamarin and will walk-through a couple of Xamarin Forms and Xamarin.Android sample apps…

Enterprise Browser - Using the Android Headset as a Barcode Trigger

What if… you want to use a Zebra’s Android device mounted on an arm-mount and you want to control the barcode scanner with a wired button? WT6000 is the obvious answer! But if your customer has already chosen the TC51 for other activities, we can help…

(Xamarin.Forms + FreshMVVM + DataWedge) take 2

Note: the accompanying code is available on GitHub. We saw in the last post how to add barcode scanning functionalities to the «Inventory» sample application, using DataWedge. Today we’re going to review that code and refactor it «just a bit». The goal…

Blog post #2243

Note: The accompanying code is available on GitHub. The topic for today is how to add barcode scanning functionalities to the «Inventory» sample application we built in the previous post about Xamarin.Forms and FreshMVVM. To integrate barcode scanning…

Industry News - Week of Jul. 2, 2018

Misc Jive-Migrated
IN THIS ISSUE:  DARPA's Vehicle Tech; Brainwaves Control Robots; Telcos to Keep Location Data Private; Teradata Sues SAP; Android Web Messages; GitLab Usage Spikes; Google Duplex Public Trial The Incredible Tech in DARPA'S Ground-X Vehicle…

DEVBITES - Components of EMDK

DataWedge EMDK Jive-Migrated
Introducing DEVBITES, Nibbles of tech info and tech talk for developers. In our first series learn about: 1. Title:  Datawedge Keyboard Output   This video covers how to use one of DataWedge’s most used features : keyboard emulation…

Zebra's EMDK Async Profile Manager APIs

Note: the accompanying code is available on github. Summer is the perfect time for some cleanup, and I’ve some older content laying around my laptop that is about time I publish! I’m planning to cover some long-standing argument that I’ve touched over…