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Network Connect Blog - Introduction

Network Connect Blog 3/14/18 This is the first Blog installment for Network Connect to answer some basic questions that I get. Network Connect post are identified by Tags of (PLC, NC, Network Connect, Profinet, Modbus, EtherNet/IP, Rockwell, Allen-…

Printing Labels Through the WeChat Mini-Program

Printing Jive-Migrated
WeChat has become a pervasive social media platform in China in recent years. It has more than 1 billion users worldwide. Today, WeChat is not only a social media platform, but also quickly becoming an e-commerce and payment platform. In China, consumers…

Barcode Scanning Software Tools Update

Zebra has made several updates to the Barcode Scanning Software Portfolio which can be found on Scanner Control App (Android) – Learn More | Download​ Added support for Scan Speed Analytics Added support for image…

Data Usage of GMS Applications & Services

This is the seventh in a series of blog posts looking at the considerations around adopting a GMS deployment in the enterprise.  Each post features a summary along with recommendations. For other posts in this series please see the links below:…


Printing Jive-Migrated
近几年来,微信已成为中国家喻户晓的社交平台。它在全球已拥有超过10亿的用户。今天,微信不仅是一个社交平台,而且正迅速地成为电子商务和电子支付的平台。在中国,消费者可以使用微信支付从百货公司和街头小贩那里购买任何东西,而不必用现金。   最近,腾讯在微信开发平台上增加了小程序开发功能,并提供了一套 JavaScript API 供小程序调用,由此通过小程序来控制手机上的硬件接口和外围设备,比如位置接口、蓝牙适配器接口、等等。基于小程序里的的蓝牙适配器接口API,我们搭建了一个微信小程序(…

Industry News - Week of Mar. 12, 2018

Why RFID is great for retailers; Amazon to acquire Ring; New Intel chip fixes vulnerabilities; When Android P is Coming; $9 IoT Platform RFID Boosts Sales, Reduces Overstock, Study Finds A recent study published by a U.K university shows that RFID…

Distribute Private Apps in the Managed Play Store

This is the sixth in a series of blog posts looking at the considerations around adopting a GMS deployment in the enterprise.  Each post features a summary along with recommendations.  For other posts in this series please see the links below…

Developer Portal - What's New for March

Misc Jive-Migrated
Some of you may have noticed the new look of the Zebra Developer Portal. I hope this is a refreshing change for everyone. We didn’t just change the way the site looks though. We made a major change in how we are organizing the content of the site.…

How to set a new badge on the SB1

One of the common question I get is "How do I set a new badge onto my SB1?" so this blog is designed to help solve that question. In order to do this, I would suggest the following things are installed, very likely you will have them installed A image…


Misc Jive-Migrated
hello String msg = "This is code";String msg2 = "this is more code";hi agian

DEVBUZZ February Edition

DEVBUZZ FEBRUARY EDITION News, Tech Tools and Events for Developers The Zebra Developer Portal Has a New Look…

DEVTALK – May 18th – Best Practices in Creating a Printing Application for Zebra Printers

Join us for the next DEV { TALK } on May 18th at 10:00 CST. Zebra engineers have developed reviewed & tested hundreds of apps and want to share the most compelling tips & tricks they have learned to streamline development of apps for the most…

MultiRoute Mobile Sales is Now A Validated Solution from MultiSystems, Inc.

Company/Partner: MultiSystems Inc.    Validated Solution: MultiRoute Mobile Sales Validated on: TC51, MC67, TC75, ZQ520, TC20 Description: MultiRoute allows your sales reps to use any Android-based device to manage client information,…

AetherPal MSM is a New Validated Solution from AetherPal, Inc.

EMM Jive-Migrated
Company/Partner: AetherPal Inc.   Validated Solution: AetherPal MSM  Validated on: TC20 Description: AetherPal’s Remote Support makes supporting purpose-built devices and applications effortless. Remote control provides your IT staff…

VMAXSOR - A Validated Solution from Connectalk Consulting Services, Inc.

  Company/Partner: Connectalk Consulting Services Inc.  Validated Solution: VMAXSOR Retail Mobile Price Tagging System (mPTS) Validated on: TC20, QLN220 Description: An automated solution to allow retailers to execute price tagging in a…