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IN THIS ISSUE: Google's Alternative to Cookies; Simulate Mobile Devices in Chrome; Fixing 5 Major Web-dev Hurdles; Measure and Improve CSS Performance; Case Study: Faster Healthcare Claims…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Google Halves Play Store Fee; The Linux Foundation Focus on Mobile;  Confessions of a Designer; How to Create a Spinner with CSS; Google's ML Now GA; A Better Mac Terminal…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Tweaking Mac Dev Environs; Building Mobile-first Apps; A/B Testing at the New York Times; Setting a Delay with CSS; Cooking Up 'Cookie Consent'; Using JS to Manage CSS …
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IN THIS ISSUE: Don't Embed Graphics, Generate Them; A Thumb-only Menu; Leverage Google To Target Zebra; Web Frameworks No Longer Required; The Web Changed, Not You; The 'Front' and 'Back' …
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IN THIS ISSUE: Kotlin 1.5 Preview; 17 Tips for Optimizing JavaScript; Using Emojis the Right Way; Atlassian Cloud Enterprise Meets Demand; Navigating Google's New Location Policy; Ford Looks to…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Kotlin 2021 Roadmap; What's Ahead for the PWA; Capacitor 3 Goes to Beta; Xamarin 5.0 Forms: New Features, New Bugs;  ™ Kotlin 2021 Roadmap January is often the time when…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Play Store Apps Found with Malware; DropBox Mea Culpa; Smart Shelves at Amazon; Mute-button Mishap; App Security Commandments; Deep Dive Into Deep Links  21 Play Store Apps…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Android Studio 4.1 Finally Emulates; Revamping Crash-prone Visual Studio; 2020 Was a Year of Firsts; PRPL Pattern Delivers Apps Faster; Vulkan Lands on Planet …
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IN THIS ISSUE: Using SQLite in Android; Busting Android Performance Myths; A Guide to CSS Media Queries; Run Android Apps on Linux; Case Study: Automating Build with Github Actions; Splash…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Ivanti to Acquire MobileIron; Size Matters with Android Objects; The Pursuit of 'Appiness'; Xamarin Libraires Get Device Data Easily; Google Mandates its In-app Billing…