Blog entry
Blog entry
Ever wondered what would happen if you gave a Zebra access to every database in the world? See what Zebra can share when you go beyond the data. What if your scanner could give you not just the data…
Blog entry
There is a lot of talk about big data and analytics in the Enterprise these days and how there is a need to properly measure data. One purpose is to enable supply chain sector workers with the tools…
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What does security mean for printers? Why do we need this? What does the future hold for printers? In this week’s DEVPODCAST, we’ve invited Leo Lowy, Director of Printer Software Product Management…
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Don’t just collect data. Put data to work with Zebra Savanna, a breakthrough data intelligence platform. Savanna makes it easy to collect data from Zebra devices and sensors in real-time, then it…
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Zebra recently teamed with DevPro Journal to come up with a 13 question quiz to find out how much you know about IoT and where it's headed.  McCall, Jay (2017, Sept. 15) "Looking to cash in on…
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Zebra is rolling out the red carpet again for APPFORUM, our Enterprise Software Conference Series that we’ve been hosting since 2014.  APPFORUM will be getting its regional show on the road…
Blog entry
Zebra está alistando la alfombra roja otra vez para el APPFORUM, nuestras conferencias de Software empresarial que hemos realizado desde el 2014. APPFORUM tendrá su evento inaugural  para…