Hello, I am an Xamarin app developer creating an iOS app that will print labels using a Zebra Printer (ZQ510). I am trying to print the following text onto a label:
Best Buy Date00/00/00…
How to get B64 or Z64 and CRC with the SDK Zebra(android) to print with zpl with this command:
~DYE:IMAGE,P,P,46080,46080,:B64: .......
I am trying to learn "Connect and Print Over TCP/IP and Bluetooth – Zebra Android Link-OS™ SDK – Java – Android Studio" (https://km.zebra.com/kb/index?page=content&id=SA370). on page of 3 (…
Hello guys!
Using the web developing guide that Robin provided (link incoming..), I am trying to make an application so I can print some labels with user input. For now it is working fine, but…
I have been working with LinkOS printing through Xamarin.android and keep running into a pairing issue. I have built my solution off of the sample source code present in the SDK. I can send ZPL to…
I have read tons of discussion threads but could not find a way to print graphics on our Zebra Printer.
I am coding in C# and trying to print label with dynamic graphics (i.e. each product as…
I have the following zpl code
^FO25,215^A0,N,25,25^BCN,100,N,N,N,U^FN21^FS The customer wants this barcode as a UCC 128 barcode, but their data is alphanumeric. I looked through the zpl docs and it…
I'm working on a label that will have a Data Matrix barcode using ECC 200. It appears that the barcode image changes size with the size of the data. While this makes sense, I would like to center the…
I'm working as label developer for the company I work. We use Bottomline Transform for our needs and I can make the labels graphically then use a BMP to ZPL converter to make it into…