Forum topic
Hi, The EMDK defines several AimTypes and we have found one to allow the customer to "point and shoot" on nearly every device except on a TC8000. This device either does not scan or it automatically…
Forum topic
When using the TC51 in a browser based application the data will not scan unless the virtual keyboard is open on the screen is this expected behaviour even though the input is in the correct field?…
Forum topic
Hello I didn't find "EMDK For Xamarin" in NugGet. Who can help me to add "EMDK" into Xamarin.Forms?
Forum topic
I'm attempting to install the EMDK for Windows (EMDKJavaRFIDSetup_x64), and I'm getting an error on the install prompting me to install the JDK 1.3 or higher. I have the JDK 10 installed already, but…
Forum topic
Hi, I followed the Getting Started guide to integrate the emdk library in my project. When I try to launch the app i get the following crash: A/art: art/runtime/] Check failed: count_…
Forum topic
Hi everyone, i disable system settings menu  for the end user not to be able to remove my mdm agent but i want to access the end user to the wifi,bluetooth  menus. i execute bottom code but…
Forum topic
How can i enable bar code preview in TC51 Zebra device. I would like to enable this view in my Xamarin + EMDK library. I am using the below configuration in my application. var config = _scanner.…
Forum topic
Hello, I have two questions: 1) is it possibile on the TC20K do programmatically disable the popup keyboard for certain Entry views? Let's say I have an Entry view that needs a numerial value, I don'…
Forum topic
Hi, I'm trying the SerialComm sample and have a problem with serial port READ functionality. I noticed that there was a fix for Android EMDK for previous versions. Is it the same problem with EMDK…
Forum topic
Hello all, Just picked up a QLN220 printer and need to send simple labels via Printconnect.  I do see a little documentation about how this is done, but does anyone have Xamarin android examples…