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Hello all, i have a device (tc 75) this morning the guy who is used this device tell me the scan engine doesn't work ... in fact, every time i click on the left button the scan not work (not the red…
Forum topic
I am trying to integrate EMDK 6.3 into my project in Android Studio 3.1 on Windows 10. (6.3 is necessary in order to support Android 5.1 on a CC5000.) -- I have downloaded and run EMDK-A-0603037.exe…
Forum topic
Is there an Android EMDK available yet that supports the new MC3300R series RFID handhelds?
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When our app encounters a device with an old version of the emdk (less than 4) our application throws a Fatal Exception: java.lang.VerifyError exception and the app crashes.  The crash happens…
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I'm currently trying to persist adb tcp/ip on TC70x devices however I'm hitting a bit of a roadblock. What I've tried: - adb remount /system (nothing happens) - adb push build.prop /system (…
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Hi, I'm developing a "kiosk mode" style app on the Zebra PS20. Using the profile manager I've managed to hide the bottom buttons and stop access to the top navigation/status bar functions. However, I…
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Hi,    I am working on developing an app for MC92N0. The task is to print a string  on Zebra printer(Qln320). The development environment is Android3.1.3, Kit kat.  Trying to work…
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I'm kind of over my head here so please go easy on me if this doesn't make sense. A customer is using EMDK and is examining the barcode type and says that there is no distinction between a symbology…
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Hi, I'm making a Xamarin app for zebra tc51 that uses EMDK Profile, i need to modify the clock profile while the app runs but i cannot ovewrite the EMDKConfig.xml.. there's a way to modify the…
Forum topic
Hi, I'm a newbie here and have just started playing around with the "samples-emdkforandroid-7_0-master", I have managed to get the BarcodeSample1 to run on a TC51 with no probs but am having issues…