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15:55/05-18-2009 1 day MC75 WM6.0/6.1 1885765 Can the following notifications be disabled on MC75? Main Battery Temperature Notifications Thetemperature notification systemimplements three levels…
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When a user visits a link to a website or network share, they are prompted for credentials. The user inputs the credentials and lets the Save Password box stay checked (default is to Save in WM2003…
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I am trying to put together a quote for an XR450 with antennas and all the extras. I go into Solution Builder and the XR450 is not listed as an orderable or a confiurable item. In fact, SB still has…
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Customer compains about MC3090 display visibility under sunlight and asks for a kind of antiglare protector or sunlight shield. The standard screen protector does not help mush so they're looking for…
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Customer compains about MC3090 display visibility under direct sunlight and asks for a kind of antiglare protector or sunlight shield. The standard screen protector does not help mush so they're…
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Customer reported me the following issue: MC3090 running BSP35. He enables Auto hide taskbar feature (Always on top - Enabled, Auto hide -Enabled). When he clicks on today screen (taskbar is…
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Anyone out there with experience in running PC-designed web applications on a VC5090.  My customer has long delays between screens (5 seconds +) on the VC5090 while getting snappy response on a…
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All, I have a customer with WS5100s installed in store using L2 connected AP300s. They have MC9090s and are finding that when a terminal roams from an AP on one switch to an AP on another switch…
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2009-05-20 EWLAN Deep Dive Technical Webinar
Forum topic
Hi, Currently in one of our windows application, we are using COM Port emulation of the scanner to receive the data and to find whether the scanner is attached or not etc. This has been working fine…