Forum topic
Team, Where can I get the souce code of  our RFIDDemo sample shipped on MC9090? With this demo one can select a tag by EPC ID and then write only to this tag. Our developer would like…
Forum topic
Is it possible for the MS4404 to be permanently scanning? The reason for my question is that I have a customer that has one of these scanners mounted in an enclosure that has a small gap in the…
Forum topic
Need help to make SAMBA settings cold boot persistent on CE5 devices
Forum topic
We're currently in competitive situation against Vocollect Talkman boxes (most probably T2/T2m). Customer is implementing voice picking using AllData Gold software. We need to explain to customer the…
Forum topic
Team, Customer has requested information about security options on our MCs - including device, WiFi an WAN. If someone has a kind of whitepaper or presentation summarizing our security…
Forum topic
All, The Fusion 2.55.1-16R release to support the new MAC address pool says it works with BSP26 or BSP30.  Since the WT4090 never had a BSP26 release, just a BSP20 release, I checked with the…
Forum topic
Has anyone found out how the MK2290 will be affected by the MAC address change?  I didn't see any Fusion updates for it. Thanks, Ken
Forum topic
MC9090 CE5.0 Need help configuring SAMBA server boot persistent. There is some additional settings that Ram Capture is not selecting. Otherwise SMB server is working well.
Forum topic
1) Time/Date - 04/06/09 10:41am 2) Response time 4hr 3) Product WT4090 4) OS Version - BSP35 5) Clarify Case #1857570 customer installed DCP for BSP35 for the WT4090. customer has 128/…
Forum topic
If anyone has a VC5090 talking to MSP, can you let me know if it's reporting its serial number or is it reporting 'Unspecified'? Thanks, Ken