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My customer has a mixed estate of WM5.0 MC9090's that have the different display types and have told me that the newer displays are using more power than the old ones, and that when the battery…
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Hi Team,Is there a way to limit the chance of roaming between AP's when the current associated AP's signal is not the best, but still acceptable?Our customer's WiFi environment is really complex. A…
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I have a customer who recently upgraded WS5100s in their DCs from 3.0.4 to 3.3.0.  They started noticing that periodically all mobile devices all being dropped and then re-associate.3.3.0 was…
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Customer has Outlook e-mail set up through their exchange server to sync 'as items arrive' via their AT&T data connection.This is working, but intermittently, the user will see that they are not…
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Hi Folks, Does anyone know what the reg key is for data session keep-alive on the MC5574.  Thanks...
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Hi, One of the partner is developing application on MC1000 and trying to scan the GS1-128 barcode but not getting through. Does MC1000 supports this symbology?
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Upcoming products like Patriot will include Internet Explorer 6.x which has a few changes includuing how web sites are displayed. The 'Fit To Screen' option is not accessible in the UI and they…
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I have a customer that has their users complaining about sweat when they have a WT4090 strapped to their arm. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to combat this phenomenon?
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All,Does anyone have any competitive information regarding Janam devices? I have a customer that has MC70’s in a small part of their enterprise. Janam is in there demonstrating against our terminal.…
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12:35/03-30-2009 MC7095 WM5.0 1852714 Customer is looking for a way to inhibit the WWAN icons from appearing in the navigation bar the runs across the top of the display on an MC7095/WM5.0 CDMA unit…