Forum topic
1.  2:52 PM 3/25 2.  3 Day 3.  MC75 4.  WM 6.1 BSP 27 5.  1850719 I have a customer who is running Datawedge 3.0 and has their application and the SIP open. They notice (…
Forum topic
1) 3/26/09 2) N/A 3) MC70 4) BSP 43 5) 1848780 This is the description of a .NET BT printing application that is having issues when a 2nd printer is paired and added to the BTExplorer…
Forum topic
Anyone have difficulties in deploying the TEAM solution on a non-Cisco, non-Motorola wlan infrastructure?   Are there problems encountered on HP-Procurve, Ruckus or Meru wlans?
Forum topic
Team - with business down a lot this quarter, we are trying to get more understanding about whether we are losing share or just suffering from the economic problems.  I haven't heard from any of…
Forum topic
Has anyone experienced any issues with ATP SD cards in the MC70?  I am seeing SD cards unavailable (not showing up in file explorer) and also ones that are broken (internal cracks in the card)…
Forum topic
MSP 3.2.1 has started the release process and should be available on Support Central within a few weeks.  The version that is being released is immediately available for internal evaluation and…
Forum topic
FYI..There appears to be a problem with the Motorola.EMDK.VS2005.2.1.xsl file that gets installed to the : ...Application Data\Microsoft\corecon\1.0\addons folder.There is an XML tag that is missing…
Forum topic
1.  11:31 AM 3/24 2.  3 Day 3.  MC75 4.  WM 6.0/6.1 5.  1849470 I have a customer asking 2 questions if someone could help: 1.  What is the exact number of processes/…
Forum topic
Hi All I have a need to connect our scanners to NCR 7446 (RealPOS30) and 7495 (RealPOS80XRT) terminals. I am not familiar with these POS systems. Can I use either of these cables? CBA-…
Forum topic
1) Time/Date - 10:30am 03/24/09 2) Response time 3) Product - MC1000 4) OS Version - 05.00.1400 -  BSP15 5) Clarify Case # - NA MCL Support is attempting reflash a MC1000. they…